Archive: News Story
Nitrogen-based Magneto-Ionic Manipulation of Nanomagnets Demonstrated
A new study just published in ACS Nano led by graduate student Chris Jensen has demonstrated an effective pathway for the manipulation of magnetic nanostructures using controlled nitrogen ion migration in a nonvolatile and energy-efficient manner.
Category: News Story
Chris Jensen awarded NRC Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
Chris Jensen, a graduate student in Prof. Kai Liu’s group, has received a prestigious postdoctoral fellowship from the National Research Council (NRC) Research Associateship Programs (RAP).
Category: News Story
Alums receive 2023 NSF Graduate Research Fellowships
Victoria Boatwright (C’22) and Catherine McCarthy (C’22) have been awarded 2023 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships.
Category: News Story
New paper on gel mechanics selected as Editor’s Pick
A paper from Prof. Emanuela Del Gado’s group, led by post-doctoral researcher Vinutha H.A. and with co-author Clare Boothe Luce Graduate Fellow Fabiola Diaz Ruiz, was published in the Journal of Chemical Physics and selected as an Editor’s Pick.
Category: News Story
Alumna Rae Robertson-Anderson wins APS award
Rae Robertson-Anderson (C’03), Professor of Physics and Biophysics at the University of San Diego, was awarded the American Physical Society’s 2023 Prize for a Faculty Member for Research in an Undergraduate Institution.
Category: News Story
Needle-free sampling of interstitial fluid for health monitoring
A recent paper from Prof. Mak Paranjape’s group, “A needle-free transdermal patch for sampling interstitial fluid,” published in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, reports the development and testing of a flexible, Band-Aid-like patch for sampling interstitial fluid.
Category: News Story
3D printing in cement-based construction
A paper by Ankita Gangotra, Emanuela Del Gado, and Joanna Lewis entitled “3D printing has untapped potential for climate mitigation in the cement sector” was published in Communications Engineering on Feb. 3, 2023.
Category: News Story
Physics major wins poster award
Leah Chen, a sophomore physics major, recently won third place in a video poster competition at the DC space grant consortium annual meeting.
Category: News Story
Students Attend Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics
Four physics students and Prof. Amy Liu participated in the 2023 Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP). Sponsored by the American Physical Society, CUWiP is designed to encourage undergraduate women to continue in physics.
Category: News Story
Profs. Blair, Del Gado, and Urbach win a 3 year grant from the National Science Foundation
Profs. Blair, Del Gado, and Urbach won a 3 year grant of $691,996 from the National Science Foundation for a combined experimental and computational investigation of the role of microscopic rotations, fluctuations, and friction in an important class of particle gels.
Category: News Story