Malloy, James | Fabrication and Microstructural Analysis of Metallic Nanoporous Foams For Particulate Filtration | K. Liu | 2024 |
Chen, Zhijie | Physics and Phenomena in Magnetism at the Nanoscale | K. Liu | 2023 |
Buchholtz, William | A Microstructural Analysis of Dense Suspension Rheology | Del Gado | 2023 |
Hughes, Eleni | Fundamentals and Applications of Phase Separation Kinetics in Multicomponent Polymer Systems | Van Keuren | 2023 |
Jensen, Christopher | Magneto-Ionic Control of Thin Film Heterostructures | K. Liu | 2023 |
Xu, Luogen | Efficient Implementations of the Factorized Unitary-Coupled Cluster Ansatz | Freericks | 2023 |
Nesselrodt, Ryan | An Exploration of Correlated Quantum Materials In and Out of Equilibrium | Freericks | 2023 |
Daniel, Christina | Computing the Ground State Energy of a Molecular Model with Many-Body Green’s Functions | Freericks | 2023 |
O’Brien, Daniel | A Painless, Non-Invasive, and Flexible Device to Sample Interstitial Fluid for Biomarker Monitoring | Paranjape | 2022 |
Bantawa, Minaspi | Microstructure, Dynamics and Rheology of Model Soft Particulate Gels | Del Gado | 2021 |
St. Marie, Luke | Graphene Quantum Dot Bolometers and their Applications for the Characterization of Single Molecule Magnets | Barbara | 2021 |
Rost, Brian | Simulating Open Quantum Systems on Near Term Quantum Computers | Freericks | 2021 |
Pushee, Kevin | Improved Feature Localization Through Broadband Image Processing | Edward Van Keuren | 2021 |
Lai, Xiangwen | Shear Thickening of Silica Rod Suspensions | Jeff Urbach | 2020 |
Melis, Scott | Controlled Evaporative Self-Assembly of Charge-Transfer Cocrystals for Use in Optoelectronic Devices | Edward Van Keuren | 2020 |
Sartucci, Matthew | Exploring Microstructural Heterogeneities in Cellulose Nanocrystal Suspensions in the Repulsive Glass Phase | Jeff Urbach | 2020 |
Goyal, Abhay | Confinement and Texture in Cement Hydrates: From Nanoscale Cohesion to Rheology | Emanuela Del Gado | 2020 |
Googins, Kara | Mechanical Properties of Type I Collagen and Biopolymer Networks for Use as 3D Substrates in Cell Culture | Daniel Blair | 2020 |
Jin, Peiran | Modeling for Structure Change of Reconstituted Fibroin Gels during Deformation | Peter Olmsted | 2019 |
Wensman, Johnathan | The Use of Gallium Nitride as a Scintillator in a Fast Neutron Spectrometer | John Currie | 2019 |
Cohn, Jeffrey | Gaining a Deeper Understanding of Nature with Quantum Simulators and Quantum Computers | Jim Freericks | 2019 |
DiCamillo, Kyle | Fabrication, Characterization, and Functionalization of MoTe2 Field Effect Transistors for Gas Sensing Applications | Makarand Paranjape | 2019 |
Hankins, Andrew | Investigating Defects in the Sensing Mechanism of Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Transistors | Makarand Paranjape | 2019 |
Han, Peize | Creating Optoelectronic Devices from Atomically Thin Materials Grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition | Paola Barbara | 2019 |
Najafi, Khadijeh | Nonlinear Response Of Strongly Interacting Quantum Systems in Nonequilibrium | Jim Freericks | 2018 |
Zheng, Xiaowan | Multimodal Magnetic Resonance Image Fusion and Fluorescent Microthermal Imaging of Magnetic Hyperthermia | Edward Van Keuren | 2017 |
Albertini, Oliver | First-Principles Study of Charge Density Waves and Electron-Phonon Coupling in Transition Metal Dichalcogenides, and Magnetism of Surface Adatoms | Amy Liu | 2017 |
Tabatabai, A. Pasha | I Celebrate My Silk, and Shear My Silk: Assembly and Rheology of Reconstituted Silk Protein | Daniel Blair | 2017 |
Zhao, Chen | Particle Formation and Growth for Small Molecules and Polymers by Nanoprecipitation | Edward Van Keuren | 2017 |
Li, Tingting | Creating Multi-Component Nanoparticles Using Nanoprecipitation | Edward Van Keuren | 2017 |
Yoshimura, Bryce | Theoretical studies for experimental implementation of quantum computing with trapped ions | Jim Freericks | 2016 |
Stimatze, Justin | Simulating Fiber Ordering and Aggregation In Shear Flow Using Dissipative Particle Dynamics | Jeff Urbach | 2016 |
Schoening, Julie Li | Empirical Evidence of Knightian Uncertainty in Equity Markets | Jeff Urbach | 2015 |
Tang, Baoming | Numerical Studies of Correlated Lattice Systems in One and Two Dimensions | Marcos Rigol | 2015 |
Cruz-Rojas, Jesus | Non Equilibrium Electronic Transport in Multilayered Nanostructures | Jim Freericks | 2014 |
Kumar, Pramukta | Shear-Induced Aggregation Dynamics in a Polymer Microrod Suspension | Jeff Urbach | 2014 |
Liu, Yian | Gold Nanoparticle Decorated Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors for Glucose and Gas Sensing | Makarand Paranjape | 2014 |
Dube, Isha | Mechanism of Gas Sensing in Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors | Paola Barbara | 2014 |
Joura, Alexander | Static and Dynamic Properties of Strongly Correlated Lattice Models Under Electric Fields (Dynamical Mean Field Theory Approach) | Jim Freericks | 2014 |
Mbi, Armstrong | Shear-Induced Microscopic and Macroscopic Behavior of a Hard Sphere Glassy Binary Colloidal Silica Suspension Using Confocal Rheology | Daniel Blair | 2014 |
Boyd, Anthony Karol | First-principles Study of Charge Density Waves, Electron-phonon Coupling, and Superconductivity in Transition-metal Dichalcogenides | Paola Barbara | 2013 |
Ge, Yizhi | First-principles Study of Charge Density Waves, Electron-phonon Coupling, and Superconductivity in Transition-metal Dichalcogenides | Amy Liu | 2013 |
He, Kai | Exact Studies of Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Properties of Correlated Bosons in One-dimensional Lattices | Marcos Rigol | 2013 |
Shen, Wen | Theoretical Description of Nonequilibrium Behavior in Charge Density Wave | Jim Freericks | 2013 |
Arevalo, Richard Carl | Shedding Light on the Nonlinear Stiffening Effect of Sheared Type-I Collagen Networks | Jeff Urbach & Daniel Blair | 2013 |
Hale, Simon Thomas Frederick | Strongly Correlated Multilayer Nanostructures: Longitudinal Charge Transport With Vertex Corrections And Many-Body Effects In Capacitors | Jim Freericks | 2012 |
York, Joseph | Studies of Magnetic Nanoparticle Shape and Size Effects on T2 Relaxation in Magnetic Resonance Imaging, and Power Absorption in an Alternating Magnetic Field | Edward Van Keuren | 2012 |
Borjemscaia, Natalia | Hong Ou Mandel Interferometer: A Quantum Measurement Tool | Edward Van Keuren | 2012 |
Baxter, Rebecca | Ocean Wave Slope and Height Retrieval Using Airborne Polarimetric Remote Sensing | Edward Van Keuren | 2012 |
Lucas, Kristin Anne | Exploring New Dielectrics to Improve Switching Speeds of Carbon Nanotube Memory Devices | Paola Barbara | 2011 |
Nishida, Maki | Raman Correlation Spectroscopy : a Feasibility Study of a New Optical Correlation Technique and Development of Multi-Component Nanoparticles Using the Reprecipitation Method | Edward Van Keuren | 2011 |
Benatmane, Mahmoud Nadjib | Development and Application of a Novel Near-Field Microwave Probe for Local Broadband Characterization of Ferromagnetic Resonance | Paola Barbara | 2010 |
Helle, Michael | Radiative Signatures of Electron Acceleration in a Fully Cavitated Laser Plasma Wakefield | Edward Van Keuren | 2010 |
Yang, Yanfei | Quantum Transport and Field-Induced Superconductivity in Carbon Nanotubes | Paola Barbara | 2010 |
Burns, Bradley Justin | Method and Applications of Fiber Synthesis Using Laminar Flow | Edward Van Keuren | 2009 |
Zhou, Jianyun | Fabrication and Functionalization of Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors for Bio-Sensing Applications | Makarand Paranjape | 2009 |
Spinella-Mamo, Vincent Paul | Control of Micro- and Nano- Particles with Electric and Magnetic Fields | Makarand Paranjape | 2008 |
Monica, Andrew Hayes | In-Plane Carbon Nanotube Field Emitters for High Temperature Integrated Electronics | Makarand Paranjape | 2008 |