Archive: News Story
2016 Hichwa award winner
Physics major Bridget Johnson (C’17) has been awarded the 2016 Hichwa Family Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship.
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Faculty promotion
Congratulations to Paola Barbara for her promotion to the rank of Full Professor.
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Faculty present invited talks at APS and ACS meetings
Physics faculty members presented invited talks at recent national meetings of the American Chemical Society and the American Physical Society.
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NIST PREP-MML Program Awarded to Georgetown University (up to $7.7M)
On 1 February 2016 Georgetown University (Departments of Chemistry and Physics) was awarded a Professional Research Experience Program (GU PREP-MML), from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The program is led by Peter Olmsted in the Department of Physics, and will begin in summer 2016.
Category: News Story
Undergraduate student interviews
Meet some Georgetown undergraduate physics majors as they talk about their motivations for studying physics, their research interests, and their experiences in the Georgetown physics department.
Category: News Story
Novel insight into the mesoscale texture of cement hydrates
Research by Prof. Del Gado, which appeared this month on PNAS early edition, has provided new understanding of cement hydrates' mesoscale texture, a crucial step to connect the fundamental scales to the macroscale of engineering properties in cement and concrete.
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Workshop on "Rheology of Dense Particulate Suspensions"
A workshop on “Rheology of dense particulate suspensions” will be held at Georgetown University, 16-17 June 2016.
Category: News Story
Graphene quantum dots pave a new way to light detection
Dr. Abdel El Fatimy and Prof. Paola Barbara in the Department of Physics, in collaboration with Dr. Kurt Gaskill’s group at the Naval Research Laboratory, have developed a novel type of graphene nanodevice to detect millimeter and submillimeter wavelength (terahertz) radiation with extraordinary sensitivity.
Category: News Story
Faculty member discusses the physics of Star Wars
Physics faculty member Patrick Johnson participated in the video series “Georgetown Talks Star Wars,” in which professors from around campus apply their scholarly expertise to analyze all things Star Wars.
Category: News Story
2016 REU Program
Undergraduate students are invited to apply for the physics department’s 2016 REU program. During this 10-week summer program, participants engage in a focused research project in materials physics, working closely with a faculty mentor.
Category: News Story