Archive: News Story

  • Summer 2015 Hichwa Fellowship

    Physics major Nicholas Quirk (C’17) has been awarded the 2015 Hichwa Family Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship.

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  • Physics faculty members recognized at patent award ceremony

    Four physics faculty members were among the inventors honored at the 2015 Patent Award Ceremony sponsored by the Georgetown Office of Technology Commercialization. Research projects of Profs. Ed Van K

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  • Physics faculty member elected to leadership role in APS topical group

    Professor David Egolf has been elected to the leadership line of the American Physical Society’s Topical Group on Statistical and Nonlinear Physics (GSNP). The APS is the leading organization of phys

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  • 2015 REU Program

    Undergraduate students are invited to apply for the physics department’s 2015 REU program. During this 10-week summer program, participants engage in a focused research project in materials physics, working closely with a faculty mentor. Taking advantage of Georgetown’s location in the nation’s capital, the program also features a science-and-society component that explores connections between scientific research and the world outside the laboratory.

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  • Newly Tenured Faculty Members

    Congratulations to Professors Daniel Blair and Rhonda Dzakpasu, both of whom were promoted to the rank of Associate Professor with tenure in July 2014.

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  • Vatican astronomer delivers commencement address

    Guy Consolmagno, S.J., astronomer, teacher, physicist, researcher, and Jesuit, delivered the 2014 Georgetown College commencement address. In a speech urging graduates to never be afraid of the truth, and to never think that their comprehension of the truth is finished or complete, he wove in comments on dark matter, magnetic susceptibility, integration by parts, and extraterrestrials!

    Category: News Story

  • ARCS scholarship

    Physics Ph.D. student Bryce Yoshimura has been selected as a Metropolitan Washington Chapter of Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (MWC/ARCS) Foundation Scholar for 2014-2015. Bryce is conducting theoretical research in the Freericks group on using ion trap quantum simulators to study frustrated quantum magnetism. The ARCS Foundation advances science and technology in the United States by providing financial awards to academically outstanding students studying to complete degrees in science, engineering, and medical research.

    Category: News Story

  • Oxford-bound student reflects on Georgetown experience

    Science, Technology, and International Affairs major Andrew Choi (SFS’14) says one of his most memorable moments at Georgetown came less than two weeks before Commencement – getting his picture placed on the department of physics’ wall of majors. “No one actually thought I was going to finish the equivalent of the physics degree in two years,” he explained. “But just two days ago I had the privilege of putting my picture up there.” A full profile of Andrew is available here.

    Category: News Story

  • Graduate student work published in Physical Review Letters

    Part of Wen Shen's graduate dissertation work was recently published in Physical Review Letters, one of the most prestigious Physics journals. The work examined the behavior of charge density wave ord

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  • New Faculty Members

    The physics department is pleased to welcome two new faculty members.

    Category: News Story