Archive: News Story
Patrick Johnson Receives Teaching Award
Prof. Patrick Johnson has been awarded the College Dean’s Excellence in Teaching Award. The award recognizes faculty members who are exceptional educators with a deep commitment to enriching the undergraduate experience.
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Georgetown SPS Receives Distinguished Chapter Award
For the second year in a row, the Georgetown Society of Physics Students was recognized by the national SPS council as a Distinguished Chapter.
Category: News Story
3D Nanomagnetism Explored in Low Density Interconnected Nanowire Networks
In a recent paper published online in Nano Letters, Profs. Kai Liu, Gen Yin and their team report a study on 3D nanomagnetism in quasi-ordered metallic nanowire networks.
Category: News Story
Undergraduate Thesis Research Published
Undergraduate Mike Rushka C’20 recently published the first part of his undergraduate thesis in the American Journal of Physics. Mike worked with Prof. Freericks on developing an operator theoretic method to calculate the wavefunctions of the simple harmonic oscillator.
Category: News Story
Prof. Paranjape and collaborators develop device to isolate metastatic cells
Prof. Makarand Paranjape has collaborated with Lombardi Cancer Center cancer biologists Prof. Anton Wellstein and Prof. Ghada Sharif to develop a device that can isolate tumor cells that have become metastatic.
Category: News Story
Recent Grants Awarded to Department of Physics Faculty
Recently Awarded Grants to Department of Physics Faculty Profs. Del Gado and Freericks.
Category: News Story
Professor Daniel Blair and co-workers investigate viscosity of active microtubules
In an article titled “Shear-Induced Gelation of Self-Yielding Active Networks”, recently published in Physical Review Letters, postdoctoral researchers David Gagnon and Claudia Dessi, Professor Daniel Blair, and their collaborators studied the rheology of microtubule-based active materials.
Category: News Story
Prof. Emanuela Del Gado Elected as 2020 Fellow of the American Physical Society
Prof. Emanuela Del Gado, a Provost’s distinguished associate professor in the Department of Physics has been elected as a 2020 Fellow of the American Physical Society.
Category: News Story
Christina Daniel Selected to be a Quantum Triplet in the QISE-NET program
Christina Daniel has been selected to be a quantum triplet in the QISE-NET program.
Category: News Story
Pia Bhatia and Grace Feagin named Clare Boothe Luce Undergraduate Scholars
Physics majors Pia Bhatia (C’21) and Grace Feagin (C’22) have been awarded Clare Boothe Luce Undergraduate Scholarships. This merit-based scholarship recognizes high-achieving undergraduate women pursuing degrees in science, math, and engineering fields.
Category: News Story