Archive: News Story
Georgetown Society of Physics Students Recognized as Outstanding Chapter
The Georgetown University chapter of the Society of Physics Students (SPS) has won an 2021 Outstanding Chapter Award from the SPS National Office.
Category: News Story
Undergrads present at APS conference
Four undergraduate physics majors presented posters at the annual meeting of the Mid-Atlantic Section of the American Physical Society, held at Rutgers University Dec 3-5.
Category: News Story
Prof. Kai Liu to Chair IUPAP Commission on Magnetism
Professor Kai Liu has been elected Chair of the IUPAP Commission on Magnetism, at the 30th General Assembly of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP).
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Discrete topology and geometry refresh our understanding in intrinsic Hall effects
A recent work by Prof. Gen Yin and collaborators identified a new perspective to resolve the k-space quantum geometry on the vertices of Fermi surfaces.
Category: News Story
Quantum Mechanics for Everyone recognized as best MOOC of all time
Quantum Mechanics for Everyone, and edX MOOC by Jim Freericks appears as the 7th best MOOC of all time on class central’s top 250 MOOCs of all time list.
Category: News Story
Prof. Barbara and her colleague at New Mexico Tech, Prof. Nikolai Kalugin, awarded a three-year NSF collaborative grant
Prof. Barbara and her colleague at New Mexico Tech, Prof. Nikolai Kalugin, were recently awarded a three-year NSF collaborative grant for a project titled Floquet-Bloch topological states in quantum Hall systems.
Category: News Story
Prof. Emanuela Del Gado and collaborators have been awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation
Prof. Emanuela Del Gado and collaborators have been awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation to work on “Rheostructurally-informed Neural Networks for geopolymer material design”.
Category: News Story
Daniel O’Brien and collaborators awarded NSF STEM education grant
Graduate student Daniel O’Brien is a member of a team of researchers recently awarded a National Science Foundation grant to create and test a STEM education tool using smartphone-based LiDAR.
Category: News Story
Professors Paola Barbara and Ed Van Keuren awarded an NSF grant
Professors Paola Barbara and Ed Van Keuren were recently awarded a $350K grant from the National Science Foundation for a project entitled “Effects of Quantum Confinement in Photosensors from Transition Metal Dichalcogenides.”
Category: News Story
Electrically Enhanced Exchange Bias via Solid State Magneto-Ionics
Electrically induced ionic motion offers a new way to realize voltage-controlled magnetism, opening the door to a new generation of logic, sensor, and data storage technologies.
Category: News Story