Archive: News Story
Brandon Duran awarded 2022 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Brandon Duran (C’22), a Physics and Computer Science double major, has been awarded a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. This prestigious award recognizes and supports outstanding students pursuing research-based graduate degrees in STEM disciplines.
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GU Physics major leads plastic recycling effort.
Georgetown Physics major Jojo Farina’s (C’23) work on plastic recycling was recently highlighted by the library.
Category: News Story
Professors Kai Liu and Gen Yin receive grants for sustainable magnet research
Rare-earth-free and precious-metal-free high anisotropy magnetic materials have critical applications as future magnetic recording media and high energy density permanent magnets. Profs. Kai Liu and Gen Yin have received two grants on sustainable magnet research to explore such materials.
Category: News Story
Georgetown researchers across disciplines are collaborating to clean up U.S. cement production with policy solutions for technological upgrades
A team of Georgetown researchers from across disciplines are collaborating to investigate a set of technology solutions and policy proposals that can drastically reduce the cement industry’s carbon footprint.
Category: News Story
Pulling Magnetic Skyrmions out of Thin Air
Magnetic skyrmions are topologically nontrivial spin textures with envisioned applications in energy-efficient magnetic information storage. In a study just published in Nature Communications, Prof. Kai Liu’s group, led by Dr. Gong Chen, have demonstrated a new method to reversibly write/delete skyrmions at room temperature via hydrogen chemisorption/desorption on the surface of magnetic thin films.
Category: News Story
Georgetown’s Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD)
The National Institutes of Health has awarded Georgetown University a highly competitive and prestigious training grant intended to invigorate the workforce and inspire younger students from diverse backgrounds to pursue doctorate degrees in biomedical sciences.
Category: News Story
Georgetown researchers to present invited talks at the 2022 APS March Meeting
Three members of the Georgetown physics community are giving invited presentations at the 2022 March Meeting of the American Physical Society, March 14-18, in Chicago and online.
Category: News Story
James Malloy Won 2022 AAAS Student E-Poster Award
Graduate student James Malloy was selected as the Graduate First Place Winner of the 2022 AAAS Student E-Poster Competition in the Physical Sciences, for his presentation of “Efficient and Robust Metallic Nanowire Foams for Deep Submicron Particulate Filtration”
Category: News Story
Research work of an REU student Joseph Lee has just been published in Physical Review A.
The research work of an REU student Joseph Lee has just been published in Physical Review A. The paper, entitled Decomposition of high-rank factorized unitary coupled-cluster operators using ancilla and multiqubit controlled low-rank counterparts.
Category: News Story
Prof. Jim Freericks elected to join several committees
Prof. Jim Freericks has been elected as the Section Representative for the Chesapeake Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers in addition to being elected for several other committees
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