Prof. Emanuela Del Gado and Post-doctoral Researcher Abhay Goyal Publish Paper in Science Advances

In a recent paper published in Science Advances, Emanuela Del Gado, Ph.D. and a professor in the Department of Physics and post-doctoral researcher Abhay Goyal create a novel model for studying the cohesive strength of cement in the hopes of creating greener infrastructure.
“Cement production is responsible for significant amounts of man-made greenhouse gases—in fact if the cement industry were a country, it would be the third largest emitter in the world,” says Del Gado. “It has become clear that even a slight reduction of cement carbon footprint will dramatically reduce the global anthropogenic CO2 emissions of the whole construction sector and that meeting emission-reduction targets for new constructions calls for deeper scientific understanding of cement properties and performance.”
Please visit the Georgetown University College of Arts & Sciences website for the full article: First-of-Its-Kind Research by Physics Professor and Graduate Student Lays Foundations for Future Studies on Sustainable Concrete
Abhay Goyal was also interviewed about this work on the Science Mag Podcast. Please visit the Science Mag website to listen to the full interview: A freeze on prion research, and watching cement dry