Student Awards

- DaVonne Henry was selected as the recipient of the Professor Walter G. Mayer Endowed Scholarship for the 2024-25 academic year. The merit-based scholarship supports graduate students pursing a Ph.D. in experimental physics.
- DaVonne Henry was selected to be the 2024-25 Hesse Endowment Scholar, sponsored by the Metropolitan Washington ARCS Foundation.
- Timothy Corbett and Jason Tran received the department’s 2024 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award.
- Willie Beeson was selected as the recipient of the Professor Walter G. Mayer Endowed Scholarship for the 2023-2024 academic year. The merit-based scholarship supports graduate students pursuing a Ph.D. in experimental physics.
- Amjad Alqahtani and Shambavi Natarajan both received the 2023 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award.
- Carina Vazquez Nunez awarded Healy Fellowship.
- Berkley Delmonico named Clare Boothe Luce Graduate Fellow
- Christopher Jensen was selected as the recipient of the Professor Walter G. Mayer Endowed Scholarship for the 2022-2023 academic year. The merit-based scholarship supports graduate students pursuing a Ph.D. in experimental physics.
- Orelle Bulgin and Wayan Fontaine-Seiler both received the 2022 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award.
- Daniel O’Brien was selected as the recipient of the Professor Walter G. Mayer Endowed Scholarship for the 2021-2022 academic year. The merit-based scholarship supports graduate students pursuing a Ph.D. in experimental physics.
- Will Buchholtz and Yijing Liu both received the 2021 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award.
- Fabiola Diaz Ruiz was named a Clare Boothe Luce Graduatue Fellow.
- Christina Daniel was named a Quantum Information Science and Engineering Network Triplet awardee
- Daniel O’Brien was selected as the recipient of the Professor Walter G. Mayer Endowed Scholarship for the 2020-2021 academic year. The merit-based scholarship supports graduate students pursuing a Ph.D. in experimental physics.
- Eleni Hughes, Christina Daniel, and Shichen Wang received a grant from the American Physical Society to launch the Georgetown Women in Physics Group (GUWiP)
- Jeremy Canfield and Scott Melis both received the 2020 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award.
- Daniel O’Brien was selected to be an ARCS Scholar for 2020 – 2021 academic year.
- Darrian Mills awarded Healy Fellowship
- Daniel O’Brien awarded Spring 2020 Conference Travel Grant from Georgetown Graduate School
- Luke St. Marie was selected as the recipient of the Professor Walter G. Mayer Endowed Scholarship for the 2019-2020 academic year. The merit-based scholarship supports graduate students pursuing a Ph.D. in experimental physics.
- Shichen Wang and Kara Googins both received the 2019 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award.
- Daniel O’Brien was selected to be an ARCS Scholar for the 2019-2020 academic year.
- Christopher Jensen awarded Fall 2019 Conference Travel Grant from Georgetown Graduate School
- Davonne Henry awarded the Healy Fellowship
- Scott Melis was selected as the recipient of the Professor Walter G. Mayer Endowed Scholarship for the 2018-2019 academic year. The merit-based scholarship supports graduate students pursuing a Ph.D. in experimental physics.
- Christina Daniel and Daniel O’Brien both received the 2018 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award.
- Brian Rost named Quantum Information Science and Engineering Network (QISE-NET) Triplet Awardee
- Scott Melis was selected as recipient of the Professor Walter G. Mayer Endowed Scholarship for the 2017-2018 academic year. The merit-based scholarship supports graduate students pursuing a Ph.D. in experimental physics.
- Xiaowan (Kelly) Zheng and Luke St. Marie both received the 2017 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award.
- Kara Googins and Tabitha Yewer received the 2016 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award.
- Kyle DiCamillo was selected as recipient of the Professor Walter G. Mayer Endowed Scholarship for 2016 and 2017. The merit-based scholarship supports graduate students pursuing a Ph.D. in experimental physics.
- Bryce Yoshimura has been selected to be an ARCS Scholar for the 2014-2015 academic year. This award provides funding to support his research. (Bryce’s second year as an ARCS Scholar)
- Alan Tabatabai was selected as recipient of Professor Walter G. Mayer Endowed Scholarship for 2014 and 2015.
- Marguerite Brown was selected to be an ARCS Scholar for the 2013-2014 academic year.
- Michael Helle won the Glassman Dissertation Award in the Sciences.