Recent invited talks

Elastically induced, intermittent microscopic dynamics in jammed soft solids, OIST Workshop on New aspects of micro- and macro-scopic flows in soft matter, 15-18 August 2016, Okinawa (Japan)

Flow of soft jammed solids: microscopic rearrangements and correlated motion, ICR 2016, 9-14 August, Kyoto (Japan) – keynote lecture

Gelification and densification of cement hydrates: a soft matter in construction, Organizing Molecular Matter 2016, 18-22 June, Lund (Sweden)

Deformation and yielding in soft solids, SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Material Science, Philadelphia, May 8-12 2016 

Gelation and densification of cement hydrates: a soft matter in construction, CNCS Seminar, Duke University, March 29 2016

Gelation and densification of cement hydrates: a soft matter in construction, Center for Complex Fluids Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, March 7 2016

Soft solids, glasses and jammed materials: insight from numerical simulations, Marseille Winter School on Multi- Scale Porous Materials, 4rd edition, Marseille (France) 25-29.01.2016

Cooperative processes, stress localization and yielding in colloidal gels , ESPCI, Paris, 15.12.2015.

The mesoscale texture of cement hydrates: out-of-equilibrium evolution and thermodynamic driving, Plenary Lecture, CONCREEP 10: Mechanics and Physics of Creep, Shrinkage, andDurability of Concrete and Concrete Structures, Vienna 21-23.09.2015.

Conformation, effective interactions, and assembly of polymer-coated nanoparticles at liquid interfaces, ACS Fall Meeting 2015, 17-20 August, Boston (USA).

Length scales, soft modes and non-affine rearrangements in the inherent structures of supercooled liquids, CECAM Workshop on “The role of structure in dynamical arrest”, 20-22 July 2015, Mainz (Germany).

The mesoscale texture and mechanics of cement hydrates, EMI 2015, 16-18 June 2015, Stanford University (USA).

Out-of-equilibrium evolution, gelation and densification of cement hydrates, CECAM Workshop on “Simulation of systems under thermodynamic-like gradients”, 21-24 May 2015, Zaragoza (Spain).

Densification and gelation of calcium-silicate-hydrates during cement hydration, New England Complex Fluids, 20 March 2015, Yale University (USA).

Heterogeneous glasses and sustainable cement, APS March Meeting, 02-08 March 2015 San Antonio,Texas (USA).

Internal stresses, cooperative processes and yielding in poorly connected soft solids, Unifying Concepts in Glass Physics VI, 01-08 February 2015, Aspen Physics Center (USA).

Assembly and adsorption of nano-objects at liquid-liquid interfaces, Mid Atlantic Soft Matter Meeting, 17 January 2015, Georgetown University, Washington DC (USA).

Poorly connected soft solids: dynamical processes, shear localisation and yielding in colloidal gels, Program on Avalanches, Intermittency, and Nonlinear Response in Far-From-Equilibrium Solids, 22 September – 12 December 2014, KITP, University of Santa Barbara (USA).

Sustainability and microscopic complexity in construction materials, European Conference on Complex Systems 2014, 22-25 September, Lucca (Italy).

Densification and gelation of calcium-silicate-hydrates during cement hydration, 570. WE Heraeus Seminar on Nonlinear Response in Complex Systems and Nonequilibrium Liquids, 1-6 September 2014, Koeln (Germany). 

Stress localization, stiffening and yielding in a model colloidal gel, Keynote Lecture, 6th Pacific Rim Conference on Rheology, 20-25 July 2014, Melbourne (Australia).

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