2016 Symposium on Architected and porous materials at MMM2016, Dijon (France), with N Bartok (LLNL), J. Belak (LLNL), E. el-Azab (Purdue) and R.J.-M. Pellenq (MIT-CNRS).
2015 Symposium on Aging, Creep and Fracture of Cement Hydrates at CONCREEP-10. Co-organizer Roland J.-M. Pellenq (CNRS and MIT).
2013 CECAM Workshop “From cooperativity in supercooled liquids to plasticity of amorphous solids”. Co-organizers Patrick Ilg (ETHZ), Asaph Widmer-Cooper (Sidney), Peter Schall (Amsterdam).
2013 CECAM School “Simulating Activated Processes in Physics and Chemistry: Theoretical Foundations”. Co-organizers Giuseppe Foffi (Paris-Orsay), Wanda Andreoni (EPFL).
2012 International Workshop on “Micro-structure, setting and aging of cement: from soft matter physics to sustainable materials”. Co-chair Peter McDonald (University of Surrey), Roland J. Pellenq (CNRS and MIT) and Karen Scrivener (EPFL).
2012 CECAM International Workshop “Aging in Engineering Materials” also funded by CNRS, Lafarge (France), LABEINTecnalia (Spain) and ETH. Co-organizers: Pierre Levitz (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France), Roland Pellenq (CNRS and MIT), Jorge Dolado (LABEIN-Tecnalia).
2009 — Founder of Swiss Soft Matter Days (swisssoftdays.ethz.ch) involving 8 academic and industrial research institutions in Switzerland.