Archive: News Story
Georgetown Physics Alumna Kaitlyn Johnson Awarded NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Georgetown Physics Alumna Kaitlyn Johnson has been Awarded a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Kaitlyn worked in Professor Edward Van Keuren's Lab as an undergraduate student and is currently working
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Brian Rost Named QISE-NET Triplet Awardee
Brian Rost has been named a Quantum Information Science and Engineering Network (QISE-NET) Triplet Awardee. The award will help augment the student’s current stipend, reimburse travel to and local ex
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Matthew Park, Goldwater Foundation Honorable Mention
Matthew Park has been named a 2018 Barry Goldwater Scholar & Excellence in Education Honorable Mention
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Vikram Rathee Wins Postdoctoral Speaker Award from the APS Topical Group on Statistical and Nonlinear Physics
Vikram Rathee has won the Postdoctoral Speaker Award from the APS Topical Group on Statistical and Nonlinear Physics at this year’s March Meeting for his talk "Insight into Shear Thickening Suspension
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Physics faculty elected to leadership positions in APS units
Professors Daniel Blair and Amy Liu have been elected to leadership positions in units of the American Physical Society.
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Online quantum course named one of the best of 2017
Quantum Mechanics for Everyone, a massive open online course developed by Prof. Jim Freericks, has been selected by Class Central as one of the best online courses of 2017.
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Sona Najafi Wins Spring 2018 Conference Travel Grant
Sona Najafi has won the Graduate School's Spring 2018 Conference Travel Grant. The grant will provide Sona with funds for travel expenses to attend the 2018 American Physical Society conference.
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Undergraduate student Thomas Kiely publishes article in Physical Review A
Undergraduate Thomas Kiely has recently published part of his undergraduate thesis as a regular article in Physical Review A, one of the premiere physics journals. Thomas’ research is on quantum spins and magnetism and examined the relationship between one quantum model for magnetism called the XY model and another called the transverse field Ising model.
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Ayan Mandal Receives Gates Cambridge Scholarship
Ayan Mandal (C’18) has been awarded the prestigious Gates Scholarship for graduate studies at the University of Cambridge.
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Prof. Amy Liu Receives Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching
First presented in 1996, the Georgetown College Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching is designed to honor outstanding achievement in the teaching of undergraduate students. These awards are presen
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