Archive: News Story
Undergraduate thesis work of Dylan Cutler ’17 and visiting student Lucas Vieira-Barbosa published in The Physics Teacher
Dylan Cutler and Lucas Vieira-Barbosa each wrote their theses on a project that developed javascript tutorials, simulations and animations for the edX MOOC Quantum Mechanics for Everyone, taught by Prof. Freericks.
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Freericks group publishes research on quantum behavior of periodically driven interacting materials.
Research completed with a visiting graduate student from Germany (Mona Kalthoff) and her advisor in Germany (Gotz Uhrig) has recently been published in the high-profile journal Physical Review Letters.
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Eleni Hughes to participate in 2019 Expanding Horizons program
Eleni Hughes has been selected to participate in the 2019 Expanding Horizons: Ewha-Luce International Seminar (ELIS) for women in STEM.
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Faculty presenting invited talks at the 2019 APS March Meeting
Three Georgetown faculty members will be presenting invited talks at the 2019 March Meeting of the American Physical Society
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Jim Freericks (Physics) Answers: How Do You Engage Students—with no background in the sciences—in Quantum Mechanics?
Jim Freericks (Physics) recently worked with CNDLS to design the MOOC, “Quantum Mechanics for Everyone”
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2019 REU Program
The Georgetown REU Site in Materials Physics is accepting applications for summer 2019.
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Prof. Emanuela Del Gado Elected as APS GSOFT Executive Committee Member
Prof. Emanuela Del Gado has been elected as an GSOFT Executive Committee Member. GSOFT is a APS Topical Group on Soft Matter. The Executive Committee for GSOFT provides assistance and guidance to all
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Prof. Freericks Elected as AAAS Fellow
Professor James Freericks of the Department of Physics has been named a fellow at the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
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Prof. Liu is theme leader of a newly funded SMART research center on Spintronics
A new research center named Spintronic Materials in Advanced infoRmation Technologies (SMART) with focus on novel materials for advanced computing systems has been funded by the Nanoelectronic Computing Research (nCORE) consortium.
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Prof. Freericks publishes research on a “quantum Cheshire cat” in prestigious journal Physical Review X
When quantum materials are highly excited by ultrafast lasers, the electrons exchange energy with phonons, and eventually, the system relaxes back to equilibrium at a well-known temperature. But the
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