Publication List: Amy Liu
Combining two reform curricula: An example from a course with well-prepared students, Lindsey, B. A., and Liu A. Y. , American Journal of Physics, Volume 81, Number 7, p.545-553, (2013)
DOI: 10.1119/1.4803532
Electron-hole transport and photovoltaic effect in gated MoS2 Schottky junctions., Fontana, Marcio, Deppe Tristan, Boyd A. K., Rinzan M., Liu A. Y., Paranjape M., and Barbara P. , Scientific Reports , Volume 3, p.1634, (2013).
DOI: 10.1038/srep01634
Phonon-mediated superconductivity in electron-doped single-layer MoS2: A first-principles prediction, Ge, Y., and Liu A. Y. , Physical Review B, Volume 87, p.241408(R) (2013)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.241408
Boron fullerenes: From B80 to hole doped boron sheets, Zope, R. R., Baruah T., Lau K. C., Liu A. Y., Pederson M. R., and Dunlap B. I. , Physical Review B, Volume 79, p.161403(R), (2009)
Electron-phonon coupling in compressed 1T-TaS2: Stability and superconductivity from first principles, Liu, A. Y. , Physical Review B, Volume 79, p.220515(R), (2009)
Theoretical description of time-resolved pump/probe photoemission in TaS2 : a single-band DFT+DMFT(NRG) study within the quasiequilibrium approximation, Freericks, J. K., Krishnamurthy H. R., Ge Y., Liu A. Y., and Pruschke Th. , physica status solidi (b), Volume 246, Issue 5, p.948 – 954, (2009)