Undergraduate thesis work of Dylan Cutler ’17 and visiting student Lucas Vieira-Barbosa published in The Physics Teacher
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Dylan Cutler and Lucas Vieira-Barbosa each wrote their theses on a project that developed javascript tutorials, simulations and animations for the edX MOOC Quantum Mechanics for Everyone, taught by Prof. Freericks. A summary of this work has just appeared in the May 2019 issue of The Physics Teacher. The course includes scores of simulations, each with video game quality graphics. The full suite of these simulations and tutorials is available from github at https://github.com/quantum-mechanics-for-everyone/simulations . The article can be found at https://aapt.scitation.org/doi/full/10.1119/1.5098924 . Dylan won the 2017 Research prize from the Department of Physics for his contributions to this project. He currently is employed at Google.