Quantum Mechanics for Everyone

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Jim Freericks has been awarded a grant to create a massive open online course (MOOC) on Quantum Mechanics for Everyone. The grant is sponsored by Georgetown’s Initiative on Technology-Enchanced Learning, and the course will be developed and implemented under Georgetown’s partnership with edX. Based in part on a general-education course, The Quantum World Around Us, that has been offered in a traditional format on campus, the MOOC aims to introduce a general audience to the basic concepts of quantum mechanics. The MOOC will employ a series of interactive computer simulation tutorials to help students visualize the often counter-intuitive behavior of things in the quantum world and to help conceptualize the abstract mathematics that describes this behavior. One of the week-long modules of the course has already been successfully deployed in Georgetown’s recent Advanced Placement Physics MOOC.  For more information about physics MOOCs, please visit the GeorgetownX site.