Workshop on "Rheology of Dense Particulate Suspensions"

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“Rheology of dense particulate suspensions”
16-17 June 2016
Georgetown University (Washington DC)

Flow of dense suspensions is at the core of industrial technologies for cements and pastes, drilling and recovery, personal care and chemical products, slurry and powders. Flow property transitions, much like classical phase behavior in material physics, have enormous practical relevance, as they determine the processing conditions for a material in engineering contexts. Dense suspensions may act as liquids and flow with relative ease under slow forcing, while fast forcing can cause a discontinuous shear thickening (DST) with an abrupt increase by orders of magnitude in the effective viscosity. Following up the meeting in Edinburgh in June 2015, the workshop will bring together physicists, chemical engineers, academic and industrial researchers to discuss the origin of these phenomena and the landscape of potential instabilities and patterns.

Keeping the spirit of the first meeting in Edinburgh, we will keep a small workshop format and provide extended time for discussions.

THEMES: Discontinuous shear thickening; non monotonic flow curves; force organization under flow; flow conditions, walls and geometry;hydrodynamics; frictional contacts; implications for technological applications and industrial challenges: precursors, critical features and optimization.


Daniel Bonn (Amsterdam), John Brady (Caltech), Eric Brown (Yale), Mike Cates (Cambridge), Itai Cohen (Cornell), Annie Colin (ESPCI), Thibaut Divoux (CRPP Bordeaux and MIT), Steve Hudson (NIST), Lucio Isa (ETHZ), Didier Lootens (SIKA), Sebastien Manneville (ENS Lyon), Roman Mari (Cambridge), Peter Olmsted (Georgetown), Guillaume Ovarlez (CRPP Bordeaux), Wilson Poon (Edinburgh), Farhang Radjai (Montpellier), Mark Robbins (Johns Hopkins), John Royer (NIST), Sumantra Sarkar (Brandeis), Henri Vandamme (MIT), Dimitris Vlassopoulos (Forth), Norman Wagner (Delaware), Matthieu Wyart (EPFL), Annette Zippelius (Goettingen).

A few slots for contributed talks will be available, please let us know as soon as possible if you would like to participate.

More information can be found at

ORGANIZERS: Dan Blair (Georgetown University), Emanuela Del Gado (Georgetown University) Bulbul Chakraborty (Brandeis) Jeff Morris (City College New York)