
Malloy, JamesFabrication and Microstructural Analysis of Metallic Nanoporous Foams For Particulate FiltrationK. Liu2024
Chen, Zhijie Physics and Phenomena in Magnetism at the NanoscaleK. Liu2023
Buchholtz, WilliamA Microstructural Analysis of Dense Suspension RheologyDel Gado2023
Hughes, EleniFundamentals and Applications of Phase Separation Kinetics in Multicomponent Polymer SystemsVan Keuren2023
Jensen, ChristopherMagneto-Ionic Control of Thin Film HeterostructuresK. Liu2023
Xu, LuogenEfficient Implementations of the Factorized Unitary-Coupled Cluster AnsatzFreericks2023
Nesselrodt, RyanAn Exploration of Correlated Quantum Materials In and Out of EquilibriumFreericks2023
Daniel, ChristinaComputing the Ground State Energy of a Molecular Model with Many-Body Green’s FunctionsFreericks2023
O’Brien, DanielA Painless, Non-Invasive, and Flexible Device to Sample Interstitial Fluid for Biomarker MonitoringParanjape2022
Bantawa, MinaspiMicrostructure, Dynamics and Rheology of Model Soft Particulate GelsDel Gado2021
St. Marie, LukeGraphene Quantum Dot Bolometers and their Applications for the Characterization of Single Molecule MagnetsBarbara2021
Rost, BrianSimulating Open Quantum Systems on Near Term Quantum ComputersFreericks2021
Pushee, KevinImproved Feature Localization Through Broadband Image ProcessingEdward Van Keuren2021
Lai, XiangwenShear Thickening of Silica Rod SuspensionsJeff Urbach2020
Melis, ScottControlled Evaporative Self-Assembly of Charge-Transfer Cocrystals for Use in Optoelectronic DevicesEdward Van Keuren2020
Sartucci, MatthewExploring Microstructural Heterogeneities in Cellulose Nanocrystal Suspensions in the Repulsive Glass PhaseJeff Urbach2020
Goyal, AbhayConfinement and Texture in Cement Hydrates: From Nanoscale Cohesion to RheologyEmanuela Del Gado2020
Googins, KaraMechanical Properties of Type I Collagen and Biopolymer Networks for Use as 3D Substrates in Cell CultureDaniel Blair2020
Jin, PeiranModeling for Structure Change of Reconstituted Fibroin Gels during DeformationPeter Olmsted2019
Wensman, JohnathanThe Use of Gallium Nitride as a Scintillator in a Fast Neutron SpectrometerJohn Currie2019
Cohn, JeffreyGaining a Deeper Understanding of Nature with Quantum Simulators and Quantum ComputersJim Freericks2019
DiCamillo, KyleFabrication, Characterization, and Functionalization of MoTe2 Field Effect Transistors for Gas Sensing ApplicationsMakarand Paranjape 2019
Hankins, AndrewInvestigating Defects in the Sensing Mechanism of Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect TransistorsMakarand Paranjape2019
Han, PeizeCreating Optoelectronic Devices from Atomically Thin Materials Grown by Chemical Vapor DepositionPaola Barbara 2019
Najafi, KhadijehNonlinear Response Of Strongly Interacting Quantum Systems in NonequilibriumJim Freericks2018
Zheng, XiaowanMultimodal Magnetic Resonance Image Fusion and Fluorescent Microthermal Imaging of Magnetic HyperthermiaEdward Van Keuren2017
Albertini, OliverFirst-Principles Study of Charge Density Waves and Electron-Phonon Coupling in Transition Metal Dichalcogenides, and Magnetism of Surface AdatomsAmy Liu2017
Tabatabai, A. PashaI Celebrate My Silk, and Shear My Silk: Assembly and Rheology of Reconstituted Silk ProteinDaniel Blair2017
Zhao, ChenParticle Formation and Growth for Small Molecules and Polymers by NanoprecipitationEdward Van Keuren2017
Li, TingtingCreating Multi-Component Nanoparticles Using NanoprecipitationEdward Van Keuren2017
Yoshimura, BryceTheoretical studies for experimental implementation of quantum computing with trapped ionsJim Freericks2016
Stimatze, JustinSimulating Fiber Ordering and Aggregation In Shear Flow Using Dissipative Particle DynamicsJeff Urbach2016
Schoening, Julie LiEmpirical Evidence of Knightian Uncertainty in Equity MarketsJeff Urbach2015
Tang, BaomingNumerical Studies of Correlated Lattice Systems in One and Two DimensionsMarcos Rigol2015
Cruz-Rojas, JesusNon Equilibrium Electronic Transport in Multilayered NanostructuresJim Freericks2014
Kumar, PramuktaShear-Induced Aggregation Dynamics in a Polymer Microrod SuspensionJeff Urbach2014
Liu, YianGold Nanoparticle Decorated Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors for Glucose and Gas SensingMakarand Paranjape2014
Dube, IshaMechanism of Gas Sensing in Carbon Nanotube Field Effect TransistorsPaola Barbara2014
Joura, AlexanderStatic and Dynamic Properties of Strongly Correlated Lattice Models Under Electric Fields (Dynamical Mean Field Theory Approach)Jim Freericks2014
Mbi, ArmstrongShear-Induced Microscopic and Macroscopic Behavior of a Hard Sphere Glassy Binary Colloidal Silica Suspension Using Confocal RheologyDaniel Blair 2014
Boyd, Anthony KarolFirst-principles Study of Charge Density Waves, Electron-phonon Coupling, and Superconductivity in Transition-metal DichalcogenidesPaola Barbara2013
Ge, YizhiFirst-principles Study of Charge Density Waves, Electron-phonon Coupling, and Superconductivity in Transition-metal DichalcogenidesAmy Liu2013
He, KaiExact Studies of Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Properties of Correlated Bosons in One-dimensional LatticesMarcos Rigol2013
Shen, WenTheoretical Description of Nonequilibrium Behavior in Charge Density WaveJim Freericks2013
Arevalo, Richard CarlShedding Light on the Nonlinear Stiffening Effect of Sheared Type-I Collagen NetworksJeff Urbach & Daniel Blair2013
Hale, Simon Thomas FrederickStrongly Correlated Multilayer Nanostructures: Longitudinal Charge Transport With Vertex Corrections And Many-Body Effects In CapacitorsJim Freericks2012
York, JosephStudies of Magnetic Nanoparticle Shape and Size Effects on T2 Relaxation in Magnetic Resonance Imaging, and Power Absorption in an Alternating Magnetic FieldEdward Van Keuren2012
Borjemscaia, NataliaHong Ou Mandel Interferometer: A Quantum Measurement ToolEdward Van Keuren2012
Baxter, RebeccaOcean Wave Slope and Height Retrieval Using Airborne Polarimetric Remote SensingEdward Van Keuren2012
Lucas, Kristin Anne Exploring New Dielectrics to Improve Switching Speeds of Carbon Nanotube Memory DevicesPaola Barbara2011
Nishida, MakiRaman Correlation Spectroscopy : a Feasibility Study of a New Optical Correlation Technique and Development of Multi-Component Nanoparticles Using the Reprecipitation MethodEdward Van Keuren2011
Benatmane, Mahmoud NadjibDevelopment and Application of a Novel Near-Field Microwave Probe for Local Broadband Characterization of Ferromagnetic ResonancePaola Barbara2010
Helle, MichaelRadiative Signatures of Electron Acceleration in a Fully Cavitated Laser Plasma WakefieldEdward Van Keuren2010
Yang, YanfeiQuantum Transport and Field-Induced Superconductivity in Carbon NanotubesPaola Barbara2010
Burns, Bradley JustinMethod and Applications of Fiber Synthesis Using Laminar FlowEdward Van Keuren2009
Zhou, JianyunFabrication and Functionalization of Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors for Bio-Sensing ApplicationsMakarand Paranjape2009
Spinella-Mamo, Vincent PaulControl of Micro- and Nano- Particles with Electric and Magnetic FieldsMakarand Paranjape2008
Monica, Andrew HayesIn-Plane Carbon Nanotube Field Emitters for High Temperature Integrated ElectronicsMakarand Paranjape2008