Gen Yin

Assistant Professor
Office: 554 Reiss Science Building
Website: Homepage; Google Scholar
Prof. Gen Yin received his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of California – Riverside in 2015. After that, he joined the University of California – Los Angeles in 2016 as a postdoctoral researcher. He was then promoted to Assistant Project Scientist at UCLA in 2019. Starting in 2020, he joined the Department of Physics at Georgetown University as an Assistant Professor.
Current Research
Prof. Yin’s current research is on the theory, modeling and simulation of the transport of charge, spin, heat and other elementary excitations in solid-state matters. Fundamentals such as symmetry, spin structures, spin-orbit coupling and non-trivial topologies are particularly focused on. Ongoing projects include (1) carrier transport in van-Der-Waals spintronic materials; (2) intrinsic and disordered topological insulators; (3) antiferromagnetic spintronics; and (4) Artificial-intelligence-assisted physics research.
Selected Recent Publications
Luyan Yu, Jie-Xiang Yu, Jiadong Zang, Roger K Lake, Houlong Zhuang, and Gen Yin, “Spin scattering and Hall effects in monolayer Fe3GeTe2”, Phys. Rev. B, 108, 134425 (2023)
Bradley J. Fugetta, Zhijie Chen, Dhritiman Bhattacharya, Kun Yue, Kai Liu, Amy Y. Liu, and Gen Yin, “Machine-learning recognition of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction from magnetometry”, Phys. Rev. Research 5, 043012 (2023)
Jie-Xiang Yu, Jiadong Zang, Roger K. Lake, Yi Zhang and Gen Yin, “Discrete quantum geometry and intrinsic spin Hall effect”, Phys. Rev. B, 104, 184408 (2021).
Y. Wu, G. Yin, L. Pan, A. J. Grutter, Q. Pan, A. Lee, D. A. Gilbert, J. A. Borchers, W. Ratcliff, A. Li, X. Han, and K. L. Wang, “Large exchange splitting in monolayer graphene magnetized by an antiferromagnet”, Nat. Electron. 3 (10) 604 (2020).
G. Yin, J. Yu, Y. Liu, R. K. Lake, J. Zang, and K. L. Wang, “Planar Hall effect in antiferromagnetic MnTe thin films”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 122, 106602 (2019).
Q. He, G. Yin, L. Yu, A. J. Grutter, L. Pan, C. Chen, X. Che, G. Yu, B. Zhang, Q. Shao, A. L. Stern, B. Casas, J. Xia, X. Han, B. J. Kirby, R. K. Lake, K. T. Law, and K. L. Wang, “Topological transitions induced by antiferromagnetism in a thin-film topological insulator”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 096802 (2018).
Q. He, G.Yin, A. J. Grutter, L. Pan, X. Che, G. Yu, D. A. Gilbert, S. M. Disseler, Y. Liu, P. Shafer, B. Zhang, Y. Wu, B. J. Kirby, E. Arenholz, R. K. Lake, X. Han, and K. L. Wang, “Exchange-biasing topological charges by antiferromagnetism”, Nat. Comm. 9, 2767 (2018).
Q. He, L. Pan, A. L. Stern, E. C. Burks, X. Che, G. Yin, J. Wang, B. Lian, Q. Zhou, E. S. Choi, K. Murata, X. Kou, Z. Chen, T. Nie, Q. Shao, Y. Fan, S. Zhang, K. Liu, J. Xia, and K. L. Wang, “Chiral Majorana fermion modes in a quantum anomalous Hall insulator-superconductor structure”, Science 357 (6348), 294-299 (2017).
G. Yin, Y. Li, L. Kong, R. K. Lake, C. L. Chien and J. Zang, “Topological charge analysis of ultrafast single skyrmion creation”, Phys. Rev. B 93, 174403 (2016).
G. Yin, Y. Liu, Y. Barlas, J. Zang, and R. K. Lake, “Topological spin Hall effect resulting from magnetic skyrmion”, Phys. Rev. B 92, 024411 (2015).