Archive: PDO News
Olmsted Group at APS Meeting in Baltimore
The Olmsted group visited the 2016 American Physical Society March Meeting in Baltimore, MD. Post-doc Claire McIlroy gave a talk about her work on polymers orientation and welding in Additive Manufact
Category: PDO News
Peter speaks in the Presidential Symposium at the ACS Meeting
Peter gave an invited talk at the annual meeting of the American Chemical Society in San Diego, 13 March 2016. The talk was entitled Basic Science Challenges in Additive Manufacturing, and was part o
Category: PDO News
NIST PREP-MML Program Awarded to Georgetown University (up to $7.7M)
On 1 February 2016 Georgetown University (Departments of Chemistry and Physics) was awarded a Professional Research Experience Program (GU PREP-MML), from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The program is led by Peter Olmsted in the Department of Physics, and will begin in summer 2016.
Category: PDO News
Peter speaks about Phase Separation at 2016 Biophysical Society Meeting
Peter gave a talk “Kinetics of Registration, Anti-Registration, and Flip-Flop” at the 2016 Biophysical Society Annual Meeting in Los Angeles (February 2016).
Category: PDO News
Comment published in PRL about line tension and anti registration in lipid bilayers.
John Williamson and Peter published a Comment in Physical Review Letters about the role of line tension in determining the nature of phase separation in lipid bilayers.
Category: PDO News
John Williamson at IOP Meeting on Biophysics
John Williamson (post-doc in the group) attended the Institute of Physics (UK) meeting on Physical Principles of Biological and Active Systems, in Edinburgh (6-7 January 2016) in Scotland. John presen
Category: PDO News
Claire McIlroy at British Society of Rheology Meeting
Group member Claire McIlroy attended the British Society in Glasgow, 14-15 December, where she presented a poster "Modelling Polymer Deformation during 3D Printing" on her current work. Claire also wo
Category: PDO News
Paper published on the kinetics of registration in lipid bilayer membranes
Our paper on the kinetics of registration in phase separating lipid bilayer membranes was published in Physical Review E 92 (2015) 052721: Kinetics of symmetry and asymmetry in a phase-separating bila
Category: PDO News
Paper published about Nucleation in Phase-Separating Lipid Bilayers
Our paper on "Nucleation of symmetric domains in the coupled leaflets of a bilayer" (PDO and John Williamson) was published in Soft Matter in November 2015. In it we show how nucleation of symmetric
Category: PDO News
Article on lipid bilayer fluctuations named as a Feature Article in Europhysics Letters for 2015.
A paper by Peter Olmsted and Richard Bingham, entitled "Dynamics of an asymmetric bilayer lipid membrane in a viscous solvent" was named as a Feature Article for Europhysics Letters for the year 2015.
Category: PDO News