Aspects of One-Dimensional Quantum Many-Body Systems: Chaos, Dynamics, and Quantum Control
Tuesday, February 2, 2010 – 3:15pm
Reiss 502
Prof. Lea Ferreira dos Santos
Yeshiva University
Understanding the dynamics of quantum many-body systems is one of the main challenges in fundamental studies of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. Recently, the interest in the subject has been reinforced by experiments with strongly correlated quantum systems in optical lattices and by results showing excess thermal conductivity in magnetic compounds. This talk will focus on the case of isolated one-dimensional quantum many-body systems which are far from equilibrium. By adjusting the parameters of their Hamiltonians, integrable and chaotic limits may be achieved. I will discuss how the transition between the two regimes relates to the onset of thermalization and how it affects transport behavior. I will also describe quantum controls methods that have been developed to manipulate the dynamics of these systems and induce a desired transport behavior.
Host: Marcos Rigol
Discussion Leader: Marcos Rigol