Nuclear Weapons, Global Stability and Reversing Proliferation
Tuesday, January 28, 2014 - 3:30pm - 4:45pm
Regents 109
Pierce Corden
AAAS, Center for Science, Technology and Security Policy
The awful threats posed by nuclear weapons have been recognized since the first use of these weapons of mass destruction in 1945. Much progress has been made with a view to their elimination, which requires stopping their proliferation to other states (horizontal), and reducing to zero the stockpiles of possessor states (vertical). Challenges to global stability remain daunting, as evidenced by the halting progress in the strategic arms reduction talks (START) and the Iranian and North Korean issues. The nonproliferation regime, in particular the Non-Proliferation Treaty, is under stress. Dual-use technologies for nuclear power, to include using nuclear energy to address climate change, are problematic. Physicists continue to have a key role in meeting the challenges. Progress to date in arms control and in renewable energy gives reason for optimism.
Host: Wes Mathews
Discussion Leader: Wes Mathews